Sunday, November 9, 2008

I got tagged??!

sorry ah... seen this 'tag' before but never go and find the meaning of it so... very dungu... having this question bugging me in my head... "What is this 'tag, tag' thing???!!!" ... aileen punya pasal la...

anyway, i just follow the way others did... so here is the 'tag, tag' thing with questions... weird~~~(-.-)'''

1. What’s your ambition?

erm... ambition... i wan God to be my ambition... it's all about Him, Jesus... semuanya berkisar tentang Dia, berpusing sekeliling Dia, sebab tanpa Dia, saya tidak bererti! ... ujian-t atau ANOVA atau apa-apa jua formula tidak akan dapat menjawab kesignifikan hidup saya, jikalau tiada Yesus dalam hati saya, hidup saya!

I know, I know... this sounds so 'religious'... so 'pious' or so stereotype or whateva! ... but ...

... He is the source of everything; He is the One and Only; Prince of Peace; my Saviour, Redeemer, Healer, Restorer; my righteousness and ... all that i'm not, He is ... and He is, for me!

2. Who is more important to you, Gorilla-friends/Buaya-friends or friends?

friends la...

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?

hmm... to be honest, a couple of times already! that is cerita dulu-dulu... masih mentah dan 'matak', belum masak dan 'billabongok'... sikalang ah, Yesus ah, itu manyak bagut oh, Dia la hidup wa, dan wa picaya sama Dia oh, lu cuba-cuba la, Dia olang manyak sui oh, bukan 'sway'...

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?

confidence... in things i see myself good at, have a certain knowledge about that thing...

5. How many babies you want?

dunno... i don't think i can manage to take of A LOT of kids... cukup-cukup la... Tuhan yang tahu...

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

of course! that is one of His promises!

7. What is your goal for this year?

a change in my life??! firmer foundation in the knowledge of the person of God, Jesus...

8. Do you believe in eternity love?

YES! God is eternal, so is His love is eternal...

9. What’s a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to u? (List 10)

Christ-centered, sama 'ngam', understanding, inner beauty, honest, bla... bla... bla... no need 10 la... all these not necessary, because God knows... my thoughts can't compare with His... still, i'll talk with Him about it... bincang sama Dia but not as THE priority...

10. What are you really afraid of?

not being in His Big Plan... the plan He laid out in front... being rejected by Him (ministries He intended for me)... make Him angry, sad...

11.What are your bad habits?

a lot man! but still, don't really remember all or even realise them being manifested until a voice convicted me about them...

tend to WASTE a lot of time, that is what i can conclude most of them... slacking off, too! then, i tend to lie whenever the situation getting worse or just want to make myself look 'good' in front of others... take things for granted, many things, even God' grace perhaps...

no need to remind me of these bad side of me... i know i'm not a good person... but i praise God for being all that i need, i'm not... for making me complete in His presence!

12. Is there anything you wanna tell the people who hates you?

yeah, you r wasting your time... i know it's hard to love those unlovables... i know...

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

hmm... i miss those far in the distant... 'jauh di sinun'

14. What does flying means to you?

freedom?? feel the wind?? without any limitation?? wah!

15. What do you crave for the most currently?

a passion in something...

16. Most unexpected gift you received so far and when?

eerrr.... people around me, my mother, my kakak n adik-adik, my father n family... n... Jesus... i hav nothing more to ask for... You r incomparable...

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words:

APUUU!!!!! ... that's enough being said...

18. What have you done to yourself that made you happy?

happy?? hmm... take myself into solitude, with Jesus being there waiting for me, always, always...

19. What will you become in another 10 years to come?

a man closer to God, serving others??? definitely to be a man stronger, firmer, wiser... in God, of cos!

20. A song that meant a lot to you?

... ... ... ... ... it got to be 'the song' in my heart, 'the music' in me... ... ... ... ...

Instructions: Remove 1 question form above and add in your personal question.

Tag 8 other people.

1. Alex Lea S.L.

2. Flora Chong S.M.

3. C. Hoc Mun

4. Au Yong T.S.

5. Yohan C.

6. Julian N.

7. Rachel Ng S.A.

8. Jeremy Leow W.H.

(aiya... wanna tag ppl also susah-susah... tag bloggers ka or just anybody?? haih... wat is this 'tag..tag' thingy?? so sebarang simpan nama saja la)

dunno which question to remove n not sure wat to ask... so... that's it...

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