the Unsung "Bunga Raya Kuning"...
the Unsung Yellow Hibiscus...
the idea, the expression was inspired by what had happened on 9th of July 2011 (saturday) in Malaysia...
when i read the stories of my fellow Malaysians who went for the rally as to make a statement of having a clean and fair election... i cannot help myself but to have this intense feeling of 'love' towards them... i learned a word... "solidarity"...
Solidarity - unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives and standard (definition from the free Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
though i did go for the rally, well not even close to the huge action-packed down at the centre of Kuala Lumpur (i was at KL Sentral, with 'brother' Kevin Ngui), it was not until i read their stories that the sense of 'Saya sayang negara saya, Malaysia dan rakyatnya" getting deeper and deeper... i just wish i could tell them, in whatever way, say a hug? a simple smile or a bow? how they had inspire me to love more than i ever will be.
when i was with the crowd at KL Sentral, even for a short while we 'marched', for a brief moment my heart was struck with a strange feeling, it was like warmth of love? loving as well as being loved? ... and my eyes saw the crowd walking together (most of them are Malays here), oh~~~
i wanted to cry!
"Thank You Lord, for all this... for today... for Your love upon this country and her people... they are just lovely..."
it was like wanting to stop and fall on the ground and cry my heart out in thankfulness?
and go around and hug them? and say 'i love you'?
but it was also this other side of feeling that is like...
"oh Malaysia, kenapa sampai terjadinya hari ini... until the rakyat have to come out and march as a call for 'clean & fair election', ultimately FREEDOM... all this while you are of the peaceful and quiet one, but today you're shaken, struggling to break free? ... the silence is now broken..."
what happened in Egypt, Syria etc is no longer a tv news from a distance...
it is happening NOW in this peaceful country... Malaysia...
it's like the myth of Malaysia being 'always a peaceful nation', is no longer the myth...
and the people...
Your cries...
Your tears...
Your struggle to be FREE...
Your fight and effort to make a better Malaysia...
you are like never in the sight of others, never noticed? perhaps the others chose not to bother about you...
Being denied...
BUT, though your walk that day was only about a few hours,
you have already spread out the semangat "Saya cinta Malaysia"...
on the streets...
right through the tv and monitor screen...
and by your own stories...
and thus the Bunga Raya Kuning...
your brightness will continue to shine across this land of yours...
in the darkness, now that you have blossomed, will light up the country with hope...
and FREEDOM is on His way... to you...
p/s: many more to write & so much more to express but is limited to do so in just plain words