the popular 5 C's...
- Cash
- Car
- Credit Card
- Condominium
- Country Club (membership)
"... It arose as a popular joke based on certain truths attesting to the unstated Singaporean cultural ethos of materialistic obsession and aspiration to achieve these things in order to impress others, both socially, economically and sociologically." [Wikipedia]
well, today in the ICM office, don't know how we get to this 5 C's topic... oh, i remembered, we talked about getting married, and people nowadays somehow are looking for this 5 C as the criteria for their perfect match, bla bla bla... (coz i'm the only 'bachelor' thr -.-''', sengaja tu)
then, sampat here and there... so keluar la hikmat... the wisdom among the trashy jokes:
"we need one C, enough already... Christ Jesus... having C + Grace, we have all the richness and abundance..."
so, one C above all the other C's... Christ Jesus...
ok, Good day!
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