Friday, February 12, 2010

"... ... ... ... ..."

looking at my past posts here... hmm, especially those few which sounded 'taboo?' or 'inappropriate', yea, sorry la ye, just trying to be expressive in a way that they project my current state of mind and emotion at that moment... eheheheh, oh well...

seemingly contradicting to being a 'good guy who is a Christian' which people imprinted in mind that 'a religious man shouldn't be like this or that... a Christian man is supposed to be like this or that, like super duper HOLY and like a god~~~, everything he does is goodness in people's eyes'.

SO~~~ if that man expresses a little of his feelings and thoughts towards certain issues, well, in a negative way (blurting out taboos in disguise - i guess it's speaking without any thinking or filtering with the brain, gosh, how silly)... what about it?

it's frustration...

he is a human too, who do wrongs sometimes as well, like you and me. learning from the mistakes and being transformed little by little everyday. i would prefer him to be open and not a fake, trying to hide the 'crumbling, rolling, gushing, melting etc' that happening on the inside.

are we to start distant ourselves from people like that man? rejecting him all at once? gosh, learning to embrace many kinds of people is truly a seemingly impossible mission. EMBRACE and TOLERATE...

of course, don't get me wrong, that doesn't give us the pass to do whatever we feel like doing or saying, right...

so, we ought to have the so-called 'self control' in our actions, words so that people around us who are watching and observing us don't get 'stumbled' on the very specific word or act or thought (which we often think doesn't really mean anything or having a HUGE impact, 'come on, it's just mere dust that can be easily be blown away from your skin...') from us.

in this sense, we have the power to build people up as well as the power to corrupt them!

... 'sigh' ...

things like...
- is it wrong for a CHRISTIAN (or anyone else) to gamble?
- is it ok for us to watch porn?
- is it fine to have our palm read or thumb prints analyzed... horoscope?
- and many other things which seem like blocking my mind now
saying, "it's just a form of entertainment la..."

sound like compromise?? an intention to compromise with the truth or heavenly advice?

people can talk their logic out concerning these and their logic and rationale do really make sense! so firm as they make themselves sound like that others don't know what else to say, ... dumb...

after all,

a heavy SIGH~~~...
(with a hard screaming of 'HELP~~~!' shouting from deep within the heart... groaning to make all the clouds clear)

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