Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mating season!! Musim mengawan!! WooHoo! ;p

yes! Now is the time! The time has finally come!!!

Time to mate!... waarggh!!!

Only a moment ago i decided to call this time as a mating season!

I came to realization the moment I saw those cockroaches in the toilet! And I just wonderred, how many times already i saw the cockroaches in Philo??!!! Just in this few days, perhaps since last week!

Creepy! Especially those with well developed wings, capable of flying here and there... and who knows, there might be a chance when one flying right into your mouth... while you YAWNNNNN....

eewwww... feeling uneasy in my mouth already!... really 'phobia' to FLYING cockroach!

Just now, wanted to go to take bath. FORTUNATELY i noticed a cockroach on the wall (in the toilet). So, with my towel on, i quickly transformed into the Roach-Buster! with Baygon CC Cockroach Control in my hand!


out from the toilet, and after the 2nd spray, flew straight to my room! c**p!

Oh well, of course, er hem... I lost my composure during the task! -.-'''

After a while, i went to the toilet again. Guess what? a surprise!

'Romeo' and 'Juliet' having *** next to the toilet bowl!

To my surprise, 'this is a rare scene!', so I told Hoc Mun and he quickly grabbed his Sony Alpha, wanting to SHOOT them till death!... no, it's his camera!

with the flashes going on in the toilet, the 'couple' didn't seem to be bothered by Hoc Mun! while I was waiting for the photo session to end... thinking 'you won't be able to run from me with your butts sticked together! HAHAHA'

by the way, if you want the HOT pictures of 'Romeo' and 'Juliet', caught in real time... they are with Hoc Mun, feel free to check his blog, I bet he will sure to post those pictures on his blog!

After that, i changed my profession, and became the Ultimate Crime Scene Investigator (UCSI) and took a few pictures of the crime scenes...


'Romeo' and 'Juliet'...
in close-up...
the crime scene...
and that's the story bout the legend of 'Romeo and Juliet' in the cockroaches' world... with a tragedy!

with one still on the loose, not knowing its' whereabout...
I decided to sleep in the living room, for tonight...



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